Seaside Weaver Crabby Ball Caps.
Send a note with your color preference and we will confirm it's availabilty
Comes with the gift encloser post card pictured.
Giving Back With Gratitude! With the purchase of this hat you are helping to support the Commercial Fisherman's Wives of Humboldt.
We donate 100% of the proceeds ... a full $20 per MerHat ... from the sale of these Seaside Weaver hats to the Commercial Fishermen’s Wives of Humboldt.
These hats were made locally at Stitch Witch in Fortuna!
The rope used to make our MerMats has been sourced from local fishermen. We honor them, their families and all the hard dangerous work that goes into sustainably fishing our beautiful coast. We honor the role the Commercial Fisherman's Wives play in educating the community, supporting & working to build fisherman family relief and scholarship funds. We honor the fish who nourish our bodies and spirits and we honor you for purchasing a hat and helping to close the loop of gratitude. Thank you.
In our circular business model we intend to create multiple opportunity streams of sharing, receiving and supporting with our community. These hats are made at Stitch Witrch in Fortuna, Ca
One way we express our gratitude is by donating 100% of the proceeds from our super cool Seaside Weaver swag… which thus far has only consisted of hats… but behind the scenes we are cooking up T-shirts and hoodies made out of reclaimed plastic…. Along with other fun swag items… all of which will be offered with 100% of the proceeds going back into the fishing community.
Joyfully keeping the abundance flowing. 🦀 Thank you for helping.
MerHat Purchase Supports Our Fishing Community
Seaside Weaver Crabby Logo MerHat - Multiple colors, let us know which one makes your heart sing.
We donate 100% of the proceeds ... a full $20 per hat ... from the sale of these Seaside Weaver hats to the Commercial Fishermen’s Wives of Humboldt.
We refund excess shipping charges. Due to limitations in how we can set shipping charges on this website, we will refund any excess fees once true charges are calculated.